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Missing Donation Report

Thank you for using GoodShop. There are several reasons why a donation may not have been credited:

  • The charity was not entered in the “Who do you GoodShop for?” box on our homepage at the time of purchase.
  • The shopper did not click over to the merchant from its link on GoodShop at the time of purchase.
  • A toolbar or software from another shopping site on your computer interfered with the merchant’s ability to allocate the donation correctly (please remove any such software before using GoodShop).
  • A coupon from another site was used, disqualifying the purchase for a donation.
  • You already participate in a merchant’s rewards program, disqualifying the sale.
  • Please know that Amazon is unique in that their technology does not provide us the ability to display earnings within our user accounts. Amazon purchases will still earn donations for your cause, but will only be displayed in aggregate at the cause level.

If you don’t see your donation appearing on the Amount Raised page after six weeks, and none of the issues noted above pertain to your order, please enter and submit the following information. We’ll do our best to contact the merchant and try to resolve the issue ASAP.

Only required for travel purchases. Please note that many of our travel partners make donations upon completion of travel. Click on the "% donated" link under the merchant’s logo for details.