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Save Money on Easter Celebrations

Easter is almost here, and like most holidays you can end up spending more than you plan to. Between brunch menus, Easter baskets, decorations and more, there’s a lot to spend money on. Fortunately there are a lot of ways to save money on too.

Whether you’re planning a full-on dinner or hiding decorated eggs, you’ll be sure to save money with these ideas.

Best Dressed

Everyone may want to look their best but new dresses and suits can get expensive. The price tag on an adorable Easter dress isn’t always so adorable. Instead of buying brand new clothes your kids will just grow out of, shop thrift or consignment stores. Often times the quality is just as good for a fraction of the price.

Bundles of Baskets

Instead of spending a small fortune on a pre-wrapped Easter gift basket, why not make your own? You can buy wicker baskets from a craft or local dollar store and fill them with Easter themed items, candy, toys or gifts you made yourself. You can also reuse the baskets year after year.

Gifts Galore

Rather than spending money on little trinkets that will probably get lost or unused, buy “useful” gifts. Fill your kids’ baskets with things that they need, like lip balm, colored pens and pencils, fun stationery, sidewalk chalk or hair accessories. Flip-flops, sunglasses or a new swim suit are also good options for the upcoming summer.

Brunch Plans

Save money by hosting a potluck or picnic lunch. Ask everyone to bring an appetizer, side dish, dessert or beverage to share. Not only will you save money, you’ll also save time by not spending all day in the kitchen cooking.

Use these tips to save money this Easter and you won’t wake up to an empty wallet Monday morning!